Climate-Smart Application

Thank you for your interest in Pasa’s Climate-Smart Farming and Marketing program. The purpose of this application is to provide Pasa with information about you and your farm operation to connect you with resources to serve your needs. This form should take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. Data collected from this application will be kept private, will not be made publicly available, and may be used anonymously for reporting to the USDA.

Climate-Smart Farming and Marketing Program Application Steps:
  • Submit this application
  • Establish program eligibility
Expectations for program participation include the following:
  • Follow the practice standards for the climate-smart farming practice implemented through this program.
  • Commit to sharing relevant data from your climate-smart project with Pasa and partnering organizations.
  • Engage with staff and/or technical assistant providers from Pasa and partnering organizations through on-farm visits, phone calls, and other communications
Eligibility for participation includes the following:
  • Be willing to establish a farm record with the Farm Service Agency (FSA) and share your farm, tract, and field numbers with Pasa and partnering organizations
  • Certify that you are not a foreign person or entity
This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, under agreement number NR233A750004G025.

Please note: form submission does not guarantee participation in the Climate-Smart program. We may contact you for further information about your application.

Contact Information

For this survey, a red asterisk, *, indicates a required field

Farm Information

What is the farm's mailing address?
Pasa's Climate-Smart Farming & Marketing program is limited to the Northeast, Mid-Atlantic (including VA & WV), and North & South Carolina US. For more information on Climate-Smart projects in this and other regions, please click here


Please describe the farm and its services (for use on our website and/or in printed materials). The description should be edited (max 200 words) and ready to publish.

Farm Business and Management Practices

Of the acres under agricultural production, please fill in all that apply:
(only include field acreage - not field edge buffers or farm roads)
List the top three types of livestock on the farm

Marketing and Sales

Check all that apply

Check all that apply

Check all that apply

Check all that apply

Check all that apply

Check all that apply

Check all that apply.

Check all that apply.

Responses about sales are only used generally without specific farm names attached. This question is not required.


Check all that apply

USDA Underserved farm status

A goal of Pasa’s Climate-Smart Farming and Marketing program is to prioritize funding projects for farmers who have historically encountered barriers to accessing funds through the USDA. For this program, the USDA includes beginning farmers, historically under-resourced farmers, and veteran farmers; and generally includes women farmers and farmers growing specialty crops as underserved.

Please self-identify by using the guidelines below. Please select all that apply.

Do at least 50% of the farm business ownership identify as any of the following? 

  • American Indians or Alaskan Natives
  • Asians or Asian American
  • Blacks or African Americans
  • Native Hawaiians or other Pacific Islanders
  • Latino/Latina/Latinx
  • Middle Eastern or North African

Check all that apply

Additional demographic information

Pasa recognizes that there are other groups of historically underserved farmers who may fall outside of these definitions, and therefore we are asking for additional information about the identities of your farm business owners and/or leadership.

Check all that apply

Questions for Pasa