Pasa's 2026 Conference Session Proposal Form

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Thank you for your interest in our conference and in helping us build an educational and inspiring program. We look forward to reviewing your proposal.

Before you begin, please note the following:

  • If you haven't yet, please review our conference session proposal guidelines.

  • Don't have time to finish it now? You can save your form at any time. Click "save my progress and finish later" at the top or bottom of this form. You'll be prompted to create a password, and you'll receive an email that will help you return to the form when you're ready to submit.

  • You will need to complete this form for each session you want to propose.

  • We cannot accept incomplete proposals. Please provide details for all session speakers.

Title for Proposed Session (limited to 70 characters)

Tips for writing an effective title:
  • Clearly convey what an attendee can expect to learn by attending this session.

  • We often need to promote sessions using titles alone, so be sure someone can understand what your session will be about without reading the description.

  • A fun and clever title is okay if it's still very clear what an attendee can expect from your session.

  • If your session will be structured differently than a traditional lecture, try to reflect the format in your title (e.g. discussion, panel, hands-on).

Session Types
  • Our standard session blocks are 60-minutes and our intensive session blocks are 3 hours (plan on at least one 15-minute break).

  • Intensive sessions are only scheduled on Wednesday morning.

  • Each session may have up to four speakers.

  • We strongly recommend you allot a minimum of 20 minutes for Q&A or discussion for the standard session blocks. 

  • You may submit multiple proposals for 60-minute sessions that are intended to build on each other. Please keep in mind:
    • Attendees may only attend part of the series
    • The title should indicate that this is part of a series as well as the distinction between each part of the series (e.g. Tomatoes Part 1: Soil & Nutrient Management and Tomatoes Part 2: Pests & Disease)

Select all of the dates that work for the speaker(s) on this proposal.

Session Details

In 3–5 sentences, describe this session as you would like it to be promoted to potential attendees. Please keep in mind the following:
  • Focus on clearly conveying what a participant can expect to learn by attending this session. 

  • Do not include biographical information in the description. If your proposal is accepted, we will follow up with speakers directly to collect biographies.

  • The primary contact on this proposal will have the opportunity to update this draft  description if the program is accepted. 

  • Pasa staff may edit the description for clarity and consistency.

Limited to 425 characters.

While your proposal may fit into more than one of the themes below, please select the one that best fits. We will group proposals under these categories when we share them with our conference committee for the proposal review process.

Yes No


List all speakers and provide as much specific information as possible. We are unable to consider proposals with TBD speakers.

All speakers will be offered the standard compensation. Any additional compensation requests must be included with the proposal. We may not be able to accommodate requests made after the selection process.

Speaker 1 - Main Contact

Speaker 1 should also be the main contact for this proposal. If you are the main contact and not speaking, you can add your information later in the form.

Please provide a brief (1–3 sentences) background for Speaker 1, highlighting their experience that is relevant to the proposed topic. This should not be their biography, we will collect that if the session is accepted. 

Pasa is committed to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion in agriculture. Please use the box and question below to help us understand some of the perspectives and experiences that the speaker(s) included in this proposal will bring to our event.

Speaker Compensation & Session Costs

As a nonprofit education organization, we try to stretch our budget as far as possible to maximize the impact of our program. We also understand that some speakers may need additional support to participate in our conference. Before responding to the question below, please review the Standard Speaker Package and other compensation sections of our guidelines.

In addition, please describe any compensation that would be needed to make this program doable.

Yes No



Speaker 2

Please provide a brief (1–3 sentences) background for Speaker 2, highlighting their experience that is relevant to the proposed topic. This should not be their biography, we will collect that if the session is accepted. 

Pasa is committed to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion in agriculture. Please use the box and question below to help us understand some of the perspectives and experiences that the speaker(s) included in this proposal will bring to our event.

Speaker Compensation & Session Costs

As a non-profit education organization, we try to stretch our budget as far as possible to maximize the impact of our program. We also understand that some speakers may need additional support to participate in our conference. Before responding to the question below, please review the Standard Speaker Package and other compensation sections of our guidelines.

In addition, please describe any compensation that would be needed to make this program doable.

Yes No



Speaker 3

Please provide a brief (1–3 sentences) background for Speaker 3, highlighting their experience that is relevant to the proposed topic. This should not be their biography, we will collect that if the session is accepted. 

Pasa is committed to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion in agriculture. Please use the box and question below to help us understand some of the perspectives and experiences that the speaker(s) included in this proposal will bring to our event.

Speaker Compensation & Session Costs

As a non-profit education organization, we try to stretch our budget as far as possible to maximize the impact of our program. We also understand that some speakers may need additional support to participate in our conference. Before responding to the question below, please review the Standard Speaker Package and other compensation sections of our guidelines.

In addition, please describe any compensation that would be needed to make this program doable.

Yes No



Speaker 4

Please provide a brief (1–3 sentences) background for Speaker 4, highlighting their experience that is relevant to the proposed topic. This should not be their biography, we will collect that if the session is accepted. 

Pasa is committed to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion in agriculture. Please use the box and question below to help us understand some of the perspectives and experiences that the speaker(s) included in this proposal will bring to our event.

Speaker Compensation & Session Costs

As a non-profit education organization, we try to stretch our budget as far as possible to maximize the impact of our program. We also understand that some speakers may need additional support to participate in our conference. Before responding to the question below, please review the Standard Speaker Package and other compensation sections of our guidelines.

In addition, please describe any compensation that would be needed to make this program doable.

Yes No



List the details for a contact who would receive 1) notification of proposal status and 2) communications about the session (i.e. AV details).

Note: If a proposal is accepted, each speaker will receive information directly relating to their role as a conference speaker. At that time, we will collect speaker details like contact info, biographies, and lodging and travel needs, as well as provide instructions about how to register for the conference as a speaker.