Pasa Farm Innovations submission 2024

Help us shine the spotlight on your creativity and ingenuity at our 2024 Sustainable Agriculture Conference!

Using the information and photos you submit, our staff will create content about your farm innovation to share with conference attendees. Your innovation will also have a permanent space on our resources webpage. Check the webpage to see previous submissions!

We're also featuring displays of climate-smart systems, like agroforestry and agrisolar. While these are not innovations, per se, please use this form to help us make your poster. 

Submissions are due Monday, December 11, 2023. We will notify you in early January 2024, if your submission has been accepted. We cannot accept patented or commercial innovations.
Contact Information

Instagram: @handle or

Innovation Information

Click "Add another" to list more.
Click "Add another" to list more than one.

Click "Add another part" to list more than one.

SARE project title:
SARE project number:

Innovation Media

Please upload photographs of your farm innovation. 
Minimum of 4, maximum of 8. Suggested resolution and format, if possible: 300ppi and .JPG